Driving in Guernsey is a bit different from driving anywhere else. For example, the speed limit is 35 miles per hour, with more heavily populated areas restricted to 25 miles per hour. There are also smaller lanes (known locally as “ruettes tranquilles”) where priority is given to pedestrians, cyclists, horse-riders etc that are restricted to a limit of 15 miles per hour.
Given the size of many of Guernsey's roads it is often necessary to drive even slower than this. You will often find, too, that you are forced to reverse to a wider point in the road or pull into a driveway in order to let another vehicle pass.
There are a number of differences between the roads in the UK and the Channel Islands:
Filter In Turn
Some junctions have FILTER IN TURN on signposts and warnings painted on the road. At these junctions traffic from all directions has EQUAL PRIORITY. You must only enter the junction IN TURN with other vehicles. They are also box junctions, so you must not enter the box unless your exit is clear.
Yellow Lines
A wide yellow line painted across the exit means STOP and give way to traffic on the “main road”. Yellow arrows painted on the road give warning of a wide yellow line ahead. Yellow lines painted along the roadside mean that vehicles cannot park, wait nor be left unattended at ANY time.
Driving On Pavements
Vehicles are permitted to mount and drive along the pavements to avoid other traffic.